Many health-conscious people don’t want to drink water straight from the tap, so they buy bottled water instead. But bottled water isn’t as healthy as you’d like to believe.
Environmental Working Group performs tests on bottled water. They found chemicals including arsenic. And worse, many bottled waters are merely filtered tap water. Read on to find out other issues that bottled waters have:
Reverse Osmosis or De-ionization processing:
When you drink water that has been through reverse osmosis processing, not only are you drinking water that is hungry to immediately leach minerals from your mouth and body that you cannot adequately replace, but you are also drinking water that has been put through a membrane that was created using a radioactive laser. This is how they make the tiny filtering holes. The problem is that the radioactive frequency stays in the water and Mother Nature sends in her black fungus to handle the frequency. This can become Candidiasis (Candida overgrowth) in the body. And guess what? Fungus has been found to be the building block of cancer by researchers. These waters belong in the lab, not in the human body! Where do you find such waters in Nature? Nowhere! So why would you want to drink them?
Unless you are buying bottled water in glass bottles, chances are that you are drinking endocrine disrupting plastic that has leached into your water. The plastic of the bottle mimics estrogen and can cause estrogen dominance in both men and women. Plastic is linked to hormonal imbalances that can result in prostate, breast, and other cancers.
Antimony is being absorbed into bottled water from the plastic containers. Antimony is an element used in the making of #1 PET plastic bottles used by most beverage sellers. And the longer the water is stored, the levels of antimony increase, because the element leaches from the plastic, research reveals. Unless you are buying bottled water in a glass bottle, you can be consuming antimony. Small doses of antimony can make you feel ill and depressed. Larger quantities can cause violent vomiting and even death.
The research by world expert Dr William Shotyk was published in the Royal Society of Chemistry’s journal. He tested ground water and 15 types of bottled water in his native Canada and 48 brands of bottled water in Germany. Though his research found antimony levels well below official contamination levels, the levels greatly increased in bottles that were stored for 3 months or more.
A possible connection has been made between bacteria which can leach into bottled water and rising levels of food poisoning.
Brita, Pur, and other kitchen sink filters do not remove Fluoride. If you check the websites and labels, the descriptions state that fluoride is left in the water after filtration. Fluoride is added to many bottled waters, as well. In a newsletter I told you some of the brands that have Fluoride in them. (If you missed “Is Drinking Water Making you Fat?” article, please email us and request a copy.)
So if you are always on the go, what bottled water can you drink? We have compiled a very short list. Anything that is in a plastic bottle can leach plastic. However, these bottled waters are not reverse osmosis or de-ionized processed and they do not contain fluoride as far as we know.
You can purchase Mountain Valley Spring Water (in glass), Evian, Eternal (from New Zealand), Volvic, and Zephyrhills.
If you want to know if your favorite water is okay, read the label. If it does not say “purified” or “reverse osmosis” or “de-ionized,” then it is probably okay. If it says “spring water,” it may not be okay. The key is to call the water bottler and ask their source and how they process the water.
A healthier alternative is to make your own bottled water with our Ideal Earth Water fluoride filter and use glass bottles in order to eliminate the toxins.
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Clearwater, Florida USA
Phone: (727) 447-2344